Nome I & II - Firmware Changelog
This page shows the firmware "changelog" of the Midronome (Nome I) and Nome II, which is the list of each released FW version and their changes. Changes include bug fixes, minor & major new features, and internal improvements.
FW 4.0 - 1 February 2025
Fixed issues:
- Missing restart/reset of connected machines with drum pad in P.A.d. mode
- Diverse minor bugs solved, very particular UI situations
- Lots of internal improvements for bettter firmware stability and reliability
New Major Features:
- Start/Reset for ANLG output
- Tempo presets
- Full time signature suport (x/8, x/2, etc.)
New Minor features:
- Mute follows Play
- Stop the MIDI Clock output
- Divide the MIDI Clock output
- Turning the locked mode on or off is now shown on the display
- The AutoPlay A.PL setting can select the MIDI port which plays automatically
- A play/stop pedal can now also do resync (with a long press)
Interface changes:
- The advanced settings are now in a "sub-menu" at the very end of the list
- The settings list has changed a lot
- Settings will be upgraded automatically so the configuration is the same before and after the upgrade
- See the new list and more info in the Nome manual
(more info & discussion on the forum topic for FW 4.0)
FW 3.2 - 27 November 2024
Fixed issues:
- Midronome only: minor issues introduced in FW 3.1 are now solved
Internal improvements:
- Improved handling of large SysEx messages
- Adding possibility of full device configuration using SysEx messages
FW 3.1 - 16 October 2024
Default firmware for Nome II.
Adapting the Midronome firmware to make it compatible with Nome II, as well as quite a few internal improvements.
FW 3.0 - 28 May 2024
IMPORTANT: this upgrade modifies the settings An.1 and An.2, their value will be reduced by 1 after upgrading to 3.0. Adjust their value after upgrading to keep the same configuration.
Fixed issues:
- MIDI Forwarding to MIDI Out 2 is not working on Mac
- Midronome PLAY flashes in 2.4.P.
- Preventing conflict between U-SYNC and MIDI Commands by deactivating Start/Stop commands when using U-SYNC and Autoplay
New Major Feature:
- U-SYNC: simple, precise, and reliable synchronisation with DAWs
Other changes/improvements:
- All external sync modes now start right away
- Sync modes: 2.4.P. has been removed, and MidroSync ("Syn") is now hidden
- MIDI SysEx message limit for forwarding is now 500 bytes
- New MIDI Commands to start as MIDI CC
- The USB-MIDI interface "Clock Only" has now been removed
- The analog speed settings (An.1 and An.2) now have a value of "0" to turn off the clock -> this means their setting will be changed after upgrading!
- General improvements regarding synchronisation
- General improvements regarding USB communication
(more info & discussion on the forum topic for FW 3.0)
FW 2.0 - 04 September 2023
Fixed issues:
- Resync does not work with Roland TR-8S
- Midronome hangs USB-bus
- Previously, MIDI Start over USB was sent when sending start on MIDI Out 2 only - now the USB follows MIDI Out 1
- Previously, sending resync by pressing the Play button was deactivated in Reset Mode - now always possible
- Previously, there was a slight "pop" when playing the first metronome click - now moved to when the device starts
- Previously, no clock was sent during "pre-sync" (when display shows "---") - now the clock is also sent during pre-sync
New Major Features:
- MIDI Notes Forwarding
- Sync to 24ppq signal & improved sync to DAWs
New Minor features:
- Auto-play mode when syncing (AudioSync/24ppq)
- send All MIDI Notes Off with MIDI Stop
- configure ANLG speed via MIDI CC Commands
Internal improvements:
- Improved timing on MIDI Start messages - now more "away" from the clock so receiving devices have time to process
- External sync will not show "Err" anymore - it ignores pulses which are too fast
- Full locked mode (setting "Loc" set to "FUL") has been REMOVED - now Locked mode will always be partial
- Play button pressing time to send Resync is now changed to 300ms (was 1s before)
- Module interface is now functional and ready for modules to come
(more info & discussion on the forum topic for FW 2.0)
FW 1.1 - 22 June 2023
Fixed issues:
- Resync Port 2 with Reset + Separate mode
- DIN Sync / sync24 timing issues
- ANLG clock corrected when using USB+Reset Mode
New Minor features:
- MIDI-USB CC Commands extended
Internal improvements:
- Improved clock timing when switching tempo
- ANLG Clock now running on pure hardware
- Stricter external sync (will disconnect for tempos < 30bpm)
- Resync/reset from external sync is forwarded on DIN, ANLG, and MIDI
(more info & discussion on the forum topic for FW 1.1)
FW 1.0 - 26 April 2023
First official release:
- External sync improved and reactivated
- Sync between two Midronomes improved
- Error data saved in case of firmware crash changed
- Few other minor bugs corrected
FW 0.1 - 15 March 2023
Default firmware for Midronome, needs to be updated.