Front view of the Nome II (3D picture)

No More Sync Issues with This Master Clock

Get all your devices in sync with Nome II. Set the tempo, press play, and hear the magic.

  • Stage icon

    Live or Studio

  • MIDI Plug icon

    MIDI/CV/ Analog

  • Headphones icon

    Audio Metronome

  • Laptop icon

    U-SYNC with DAW

Orders are closed

Thank you for all your orders!

Ordering is closed at the moment and will reopen at the end of January :)

  • Laptop icon

    Record on the Grid

    Using our brand new in-house technology U-SYNC, syncing your hardware gear to your DAW has never been easier

  • USB icon

    Sync Modular & Vintage Gear

    it does not matter if you use modern MIDI gear, modular Euroracks, or vintage synths, Nome II can sync it all.

  • Headphones icon

    Metronome Output

    Get Live musicians in time as well by using the built-in metronome. The device is perfect for live usage, with its solid metal case and large knob.

Simon holding 2 Nomes

About Sim'n Tonic

Created by a musician for musicians

Simon created the “Midronome” (aka Nome I) because he simply could not find a decent MIDI Clock for his own band. The product’s launch was a huge success. Since then both the device and the community around it has tremendously grown, helping shape the device into the Nome II of today.

The core values that Simon created the device with have never and never will leave Sim’n Tonic:

  • Stage icon


    Because you need gear that never fails

  • Sync icon


    Because as musicians we have so much to think about already

  • Faders icon


    Because we all have different setups and usages

  • Community icon


    Because gear is worth nothing if not driven by its users